Verfahrensentwicklung - Umweltschutztechnik - Recycling GmbH
Organisation Type: SME
UVR‐FIA GmbH, Germany, is an engineering company for process technology, mineral processing and recycling with strong focus on R&D activities. UVR‐FIA provides laboratory facilities (total 1400 m²) and a large scale test centre (1600 m²) that are well equipped with a broad range of apparatus and machinery usual in the industry. A main topic of UVR‐FIA’s daily business is particle technology with comminution and classification leading the way. Based on longstanding experience UVR‐FIA manufactures several particulate products such as special metal powders, antimicrobial additives and pigments. UVR‐FIA is an Affiliated Institute of the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg.