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University of Stuttgart


Organisation Type: Higher Education
Web Address: http://www.vegas.uni-stuttgart.de
VEGAS, Research Facility for Subsurface Remediation, University of Stuttgart (USTUTT), Germany, is a leading German research facility for all aspects of contaminated land redevelopment and remediation technologies. VEGAS provides a large scale laboratory facility to bridge the gap between R&D and field application of new methods and techniques (upscaling). In many different research projects VEGAS focuses on the development of new subsurface remediation and monitoring technologies. VEGAS has a longstanding experience in research and development of remediation and monitoring technologies as well as in knowledge transfer. The experimental set-up ranges from small columns through flumes with volume between 0.05 and 48 m³ to large tanks of more than 700 m³. VEGAS has broad experiences in all fields of remediation and has established contacts with partners from the government, academic institutes, private companies and stakeholders.

Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment.
This project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 309517
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