Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
Organisation Type: Research Organisation
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a higher education and research institute with about 9,200 employees, 21,000 students, and a total annual budget of some 750 million Euros. KIT was established in 2009 as merger of Karlsruhe University and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, one of 16 German national laboratories within the Helmholtz Association. Higher education, research, and innovation define the three pillars of KIT’s approach to excellence in science and technical development. KIT’s research profile is characterised by research centres dedicated to energy research, micro and nanotechnology, including materials research, elementary particle and astroparticle physics as well as climate and environmental research. In addition KIT has elaborated various fields of competence dealing with research questions in the fields of information and communication technologies, mobility systems, optics and photonics, and finally the inter-relations of humans and technology. The Karlsruhe Project Management Agency (PTKA) is Germany’s first project management agency. PTKA bundles roughly hundred scientific and administrative staff and offers over 40 years of experience in project and programme management including additional services for the European Commission and the Federal Ministries of “Education and Research”, “Economics and Technology” as well as “Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety”. PTKA operates National Contact Points in European Framework Programmes ever since FP5 in production technologies, water, soil and waste management and within the framework of EURATOM.